

Feelanthrope is about activism in our everyday lives.

Our goal is to inspire the next generation of advocates through relevant and timely conversations with leaders in the environmental and social justice communities.

We’re inviting you, our amazing listeners (our Feelership?), to discover the many different flavors, shapes, and sizes of activism.

Let’s explore!


Alyssa (Ally) Celones Senturk and Alex Kaufman

Our Core Values







 Meet Your Hosts

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Alyssa (Ally) Celones Senturk

Knowledge is power, and with great power comes great responsibility.
— Ally’s Dad, a Latin phrase, and Spider-Man

Alyssa Celones Senturk is a Filipino-American creative storyteller with a multimedia background in marketing and science communication. She specializes in building communities around causes for the common good - like clean water, science, and resilience. She enjoys gardening, cooking (and of course eating!), reading, and spending time in nature.

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Alex Kaufman

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life.
— Mary Oliver, The Summer Day

Alex Kaufman is a mechanical engineer and clean energy expert with over 10 years of experience with energy consumption in the built environment. He helps organizations develop strategic energy roadmaps and build a culture of sustainability. He’s an avid hiker, travel nerd, bookworm, and that guy that gets a little too excited about bicycles.